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Print Posted 05/31/2017 in Category 1

LED lights with remote control

LED lights with remote control

It only makes sense.....if you are going to install LED lights for the energy savings, you need to understand that ANY light left on when not needed is wasted energy: indoor or outdoors.

We provide all sorts of lighting LED projects with controls for no money up front, Projects are paid through the savings.

We sub-meter your lights before we start the new lighting project so we know how much energy the lights are really using

Then we sub-meter after the new lights are installed to show the savings.

That way you get 100% of your rebate because you have real time data to prove the savings!

If your LED lights are going to last for 10 years then you should get the most benefit and savings from them. Over a 10 year period, warehouses can become production areas, offices become assembly cells, production areas become storage areas. Let's be ready for all of the different schedules and light levels.

LED Lighting projects in USA, Canada, Mexico

  • Software available in 6 languages
  • 10 year warranty
  • All lights individually controlled for greatest energy savings
  • All can be controlled, scheduled and managed right from your smart phone.

We have projects completed with a 5 year average savings of 52% over non controlled LED lights in a 24/7 manufacturing plant.

Interior or exterior lights automatically controlled, dimmed, and managed 

Our wireless energy management system manages, schedules, controls and dims the lighting automatically. Changes can be made in seconds, lights can be set up for motion detection, daylight harvesting and/or scheduled control.

The same system that controls the new LED lights in your plant can also control, manage and analyze the fans, HVAC, ventilation, motors, fans, pumps, lasers, welders, and molders - all of your electrical equipment.

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